Happy Valentine’s Day!  As we celebrate this day of love, we want to share firsthand the love we’ve witnessed during our recent trips to Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. While Valentine’s Day is often seen as a commercial holiday, for us, it’s a reminder of the profound love we receive from those in the communities we serve, as well as the invaluable support we receive from each of you.

Your generosity enables us to provide critical assistance to communities in need, offering vital supplies and knowledge to those who need it most.

Nutrition Program for Mothers and Babies in the Dominican Republic (DR)

During our January trip, we launched our nutrition program in the Dominican Republic, addressing healthcare needs in impoverished areas, particularly for women and young children in a Haitian Batey (a community of Haitian refugees in the DR formerly used for migrant sugarcane workers). After initiating the nutrition program in Haiti, we’re excited to extend our efforts and witness the impact the program will have in the DR.

Many Dominican mothers deeply love their babies but lack access to essential resources and education on proper childcare and nutrition for malnourished children under five. While serving in the Baraguana Batey, Lisa, the Dominican Republic/Haiti Country Director, shared her thoughts, expressing, “Witnessing these mothers learn and embrace proper childcare practices is truly heartwarming, and we’re confident that the nutrition program will significantly improve their lives and those of their babies.”



Caring for Your Community in Nicaragua


Our recent trip to Nicaragua aimed to equip community leaders with essential skills to care for their communities. Recognizing the ongoing need for public speaking proficiency, grief management, and caregiver support, our ministry partner requested our assistance. Kristine, Nicaragua Country Director, remarked, “Our partners have long sought support in these critical areas, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to share resources with them. The impact of this knowledge on the community is bound to be significant, and we eagerly await the results.”


Mercedes’s Story: Reaching the Poorest in Nicaragua

Living in rural Nicaragua, Mercedes faces significant barriers to accessing healthcare due to distance and financial constraints. Thanks to our community health promoters, Mercedes received a diagnosis of hypertension and diabetes, treatable conditions that could have been life-threatening if left untreated. Our team assisted her in connecting with a doctor and obtaining the necessary medications to manage her illnesses.




Your contributions make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals like Mercedes, as well as entire communities. We couldn’t do it without you.