Salon Caleb’s Story


Caleb and Johanna Mercardo, owners of Salon Caleb, are a dynamic duo with big dreams for their business. On a typical Saturday, they provide haircuts, manicures and pedicures to over 40 customers.Caleb and Johanna are active participants in our Business Academy. We have coached them closely to help them achieve their dreams. The renovation of

Salon Caleb’s Story2019-10-17T09:36:01-04:00

Business Academy Monthly Member Meetings


Many small businesses in Nicaragua operate in isolation, unaware of how other enterprises in the community function. To fill the communication gap, the Bless Back Business Academy created a business association platform for our business clients. All our clients are encouraged to join and participate in monthly association meetings. A typical monthly meeting consists of

Business Academy Monthly Member Meetings2019-10-17T09:24:04-04:00

Bless Back Business Academy Fund


Nine months after the launch of the Bless Back Business Academy, a Business Academy Fund was created to help finance the growth of participating business clients in Nicaragua. Most of the businesses are too small to receive bank loans; their only option is to use private lenders (loan sharks) who provide short term loans with

Bless Back Business Academy Fund2019-10-17T09:17:02-04:00
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