Haiti Men’s Health Day
Enjoying the fruit of their labors!
At Bless Back, we are always trying out new ideas, looking for ways to encourage, support and empower our friends overseas. Sometimes it is as simple as offering an opportunity to learn a new skill. On the January trip to Haiti, we hosted a Men’s Health Day, with classes on a variety of common health issues. In conjunction with that effort, a group of our volunteers organized our second set of “Make It/Take It” workshops for the local men. Our team supplied the plans, materials and tools, and then oversaw the efforts of the men as they built either a storage box or a sturdy chair. For many of these men, it was their first experience using hand tools, and the look of pride on their faces when the project was finished says it all. By the end of the week, dozens of men felt the satisfaction of completing something made with their own hands, and their families enjoyed the fruit of their labors!