Teaching What’s Critical


We are so proud to partner with Mission of Hope International schools in Grand Goave and St. Etienne, Haiti. MOHI is providing a solid foundation in education in ways that are not a “given” in Haiti. Among other benefits, their 800+ students have a clean, safe environment, stable teachers, midday meals, access to healthcare and

Teaching What’s Critical2019-10-18T10:26:09-04:00

Swish, Swish


When Bless Back began its dental care initiatives in Grand Goave, Haiti back in 2012, we made a conscious decision to focus our care on children. Our partners at Mission of Hope International have over 800 students in two schools, so we saw an opportunity to change the overall trajectory of their oral health with

Swish, Swish2019-10-18T10:23:31-04:00

Meet our Business Academy Coaches


The Bless Back Business Academy has developed a self-sustaining teaching model that invests educationally, spiritually, and financially into local business coaches. The coaches, in turn, establish monthly business association meetings in the community, provide daily, individual business owner coaching & training, and deploy our microloan program. Pictured above: Bless Back Business Coaches in Diriomo, Nicaragua.

Meet our Business Academy Coaches2019-10-31T19:30:38-04:00

Medications You Can Trust


One of the questions frequently asked of Bless Back is, “Where do you get the medications you use in your clinic?” This is a pivotal question because patient safety is our top priority! In Haiti, the problems with medicine are multi-faceted. On the supply side, pharmaceuticals are not regulated, therefore the market is filled with

Medications You Can Trust2019-10-18T10:16:59-04:00

Luisa Cano’s Story


One of the most rewarding components of the Bless Back Business Academy is the one on one client consulting conducted by our coaches. The consulting demand has been increasing every year as businesses realize the benefit of conferring with a coach. To meet the demand, we added two coaches to our staff, allowing us to

Luisa Cano’s Story2019-10-18T10:14:10-04:00

Lester Gonzalez’s Story


Lester Gonzalez is baker in the town of Diriomo. He is recognized by our coaches as one of the hardest working members of the Bless Back Business Academy. Lester, like most small business owners in Nicaragua, struggled to increase his business. The biggest obstacle Lester faced was that he had to rent his wood stove.

Lester Gonzalez’s Story2019-10-18T10:11:17-04:00

Homero Castillo’s Story


Homero Castillo is one of our first Business Academy members and there is a distinct difference between his business and many others. I believe this contrast lies in collaborative effort of Homero and his wife Olga, who work side by side daily. This is not the norm for small community businesses where we most often

Homero Castillo’s Story2019-10-17T14:09:43-04:00

Getting Health Smart


What’s your “Health Literacy”? It’s the understanding you use whenever you have a new ache or pain. You take what you know about anatomy, add information you glean from doctors and other sources, follow the instructions on medicine bottles, then pursue a wise course of action. The population in vulnerable places like Haiti is often

Getting Health Smart2019-10-17T09:53:45-04:00

Fill the Business Knowledge Gap


The Bless Back Business Academy was founded in June 2015 to fill a knowledge gap for small businesses in Nicaragua, the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere (Reference Link).Small businesses and cottage industries are key economic drivers in small towns throughout Nicaragua, however, the owners have little to no business training and, as a

Fill the Business Knowledge Gap2019-10-17T09:47:22-04:00

Cutting Edge Clinic Care


Did you know that Bless Back has its own customized Electronic Medical Records system? We’ve been on the cutting edge of medicine in Haiti and Nicaragua since 2014 when we established the use of digitized medical charts. In most developing countries, medical records are a low priority, but any good doctor will tell you that

Cutting Edge Clinic Care2019-10-17T09:40:47-04:00
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