Teaching What’s Critical


We are so proud to partner with Mission of Hope International schools in Grand Goave and St. Etienne, Haiti. MOHI is providing a solid foundation in education in ways that are not a “given” in Haiti. Among other benefits, their 800+ students have a clean, safe environment, stable teachers, midday meals, access to healthcare and

Teaching What’s Critical2019-10-18T10:26:09-04:00

Cosmetology School


In March, two fabulous BBW volunteers launched the first classes for the cosmetology trade school...

Cosmetology School2018-11-05T19:24:21-05:00

Make It – Take It


At Bless Back, we are always trying out new ideas, looking for ways to encourage, support...

Make It – Take It2018-11-05T19:24:21-05:00

Women’s Health Fair


Remember that pain you had recently? You probably evaluated it, realized it was from that overzealous...

Women’s Health Fair2018-11-05T19:24:21-05:00
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